The telecommunications group first meeting took place on 09/13/15 in Haas Library. We agreed on our primary meeting times, Sunday at 1pm and Thursday at 11am. The meeting times will act as a baseline, additional time added as needed. Unfortunately, a member of our team has decided to drop the class. As of now the group has 4 members-2 engineers and 2 non-engineers. We are hoping to gain an additional engineer from the Energy group to strengthen our technical skill set. Next we addressed team titles in accordance with the syllabus (see below). Each title was assigned based on relevant coursework and interests.

The next step was the communication of action items and weekly deliverables. We decided to use Trello to determine individual responsibilities and address big picture items. Google docs will be used for the specific details of group member’s tasks ensuring transparency. Before Thursday’s class, the team hopes to have created a survey in Google forms. The survey will be distributed to officials and residents of Visakhapatnam to better understand telecommunications issues. The survey will be translated into Hindi so it can reach the largest number of people. Looking forward the group hopes to identify a pre-existing issue, and tailor a solution. Currently, group members are conducting independent research to better identify such problems.

The Telecommunications Group

Nathaniel Parke, Woody Chung, Samuel Penny, Rachel Gross, Thomas Koch