Goals of Week

1) Solution to connectivity/access issues 2) Outline business development strategy


The telecommunications group met on 09/24/15 in Haas Library. We began analyzing the data received from our survey. Alex used Microsoft Excel to present the data in graph form. According to the data, signal strength and inconsistent connectivity were major issues. Additionally, most residents use either a laptop or smart phone to access the Internet. A proposed solution was a queue that would allow data to be sent once connection was regained. The results of the survey were helpful predicting future accessibility issues with the application. Group members then began drawing out a more detailed project summary (see below). A stated last week, a central database will receive, store, and direct information between citizen and public/private entities. Citizens can use a smartphone or computer to report issues within their community. For example a pothole, poor street lighting, etc. will be directed towards the proper municipal department. The issue of monetizing the application is still being solved. Creating buy in from the public sector is difficult due to tight budgets and bureaucracy. Allowing the data to be purchased by private businesses is the most logical solution. This week we plan to develop a monetizing strategy for our project. Creating a reason for buy-in from both the public and private sector.


The Telecommunications Group

Nathaniel Parke, Woody Chung, Samuel Penny, Rachel Gross, Thomas Koch