Dr. Rao and Professor Solomon changed our business model. Because we have a fixed cost model, we need to focus on customer acquisition and growth. Vizag’s population is growing rapidly, so this model will sufficiently cover our costs. We also learned how to create a more comprehensive business model with potential partnerships in the future. In order to scale, we want to incorporate third party technologies such as sensors. Crime must be proved in the eyes of the law, so we need more monitoring.

There are several tiers to the police structure in India. About 5% of the police force is educated. Constables can be used to provide data entry services to Adviz, a means of inputing recent and historical crime data. We also want to involve homeguards, popular private security guards in India. This is another possible revenue stream.
To add an additional revenue stream, we will look into monetizing video modules. We want to use video tutorials to equip police talent. The technology itself will need to be intuitive and simple so that even the uneducated can use it with ease.

The Safety and Security Group

Ted Xiao, Russell Nibbelink, Kaitlen Nguyen, Alex Feibleman, Dzmitry Yahorau