Hi class,

Reaching group consensus can be a difficult task, especially in 90 minutes with five people.  However, there are studies that “time-boxing” yourself can actually lead to more creativity and productivity.  For today’s blog, I’d like people to share some tips, advice, things they’ve notice that help keep the group on track and organized.  Think of this as an opportunity to cross-share outside of your group – it could be logistical things like sending calendar invites, using google docs, etc…to assigning a different “leader” for each meeting to keep things on track.  These are just examples, so please think broadly!

Regarding presentations – I have not had a chance to connect with Professor Solomon on expectations.  I requested that he send expectations on whether or not you should be prepared to present, and if so, what the grading criteria is.  To be clear, I am not expecting to see PowerPoint format for the BMCs, but if that is easier for you, then feel free (I heard at least one group say this).  However, I have all of the paper BMCs, so in the event Professor Solomon would like to hear from you on Tuesday, I would expect your paper draft to be filled in completely.

As always, please let me know if you have questions.

Have a great weekend!
