Priya Parikh, daughter of our TiE sponsors Chetan Parikh, intoducing us to the city of Ahmedabad
Professor Darwin presenting a lecture
Kaitlyn and Su, students discussing cross cultural communication
Dr. Nagesh Rao, director of AIMA, leading discussion on cross cultural communication
Group shot with Dr. Nagesh Rao, Dr. Rao (chairperson of MICA incubator), Maulik Pandya (ShareHero founder), and Akhand Kumar (our Tyco sponsor representative)
Mingling break
Tasting delicious chai!
Students enjoying their chai tea! (Kaitlyn, Anchal, Sue, Isabelle)
Recapturing what's happened during the trip thus far (Jordan, Felicia, Ryan)
Why, hello there! (Sam, Camron, Wesley, Christina)
IIT Gandhinagar
Visit to IIT Gandhinagar
IIT Gandhinagar
IIT Gandhinagar
Group arriving
IIT Gandhinagar
Presentation from IIT Gandhinagar faculty
IIT Gandhinagar
Students Ariella and Camron listening to IIT Gandhinagar faculty
IIT Gandhinagar
Students Ariella, Camron, Dorothy, and Jordan listening to IIT Gandhinagar faculty
IIT Gandhinagar
Class photo
Adalaj Stepwell
Visit to the beautiful Hindu water building in the village of Adalaj
Adalaj Stepwell
Class photo
Adalaj Stepwell
Class photo 2