Dec 6: Housing/Transp.

Dec 6: Housing/Transp.

As the semester comes to a close, the Housing and Transportation Group has unified its solution to address both the housing and transportation aspects of the people of Vizag and the infrastructure of the city. Early last week the group met to absorb and process the...
Nov 22: Telecommunications

Nov 22: Telecommunications

This week the telecommunications group made progress in two very important areas. In past weeks, our presentation has been visually weaker in comparison to other groups. The content was strong but was not visually represented in a clear and concise manner; as a result...
Nov 22: Education

Nov 22: Education

This past week we met extensively to finalize our idea and presentation for the dress rehearsal on Thursday. We consolidated our slides down to 25 and included an appendices section to ensure that our presentation was not too lengthy. Additionally, one of our...
Nov 22: Housing/Transp.

Nov 22: Housing/Transp.

This week, our primary focus was on preparing for the presentation. To begin with, we had to edit a lot of our powerpoint. Not only did we have to incorporate a lot of the recommendations given in class, but our presentation from last week intentionally had a few...
Nov 22: Energy and Pollution

Nov 22: Energy and Pollution

This week, we made a pivot to our idea and introduced a residential component of EcoSense.  This was done in hopes to address Professor Darwin’s concerns that our group’s solution did not go into enough depth in regards to energy.  EcoSense Citizen is meant to...